If grandkids are heading your way for the weekend, and you are fretting about how to entertain them while staying sane, run to your local bookstore and pick up a copy of 100 Plus Things to Do with Your Grandchildren: a How-To Guide for Grandparents by Jana Dube Hletko and Lynn Zacny Busby. These ladies know a lot about activities little ones consider fun; they have a combined total of 16 grandchildren!
The authors have packed their wisdom into a no-nonsense “cookbook” list of activities divided into three categories: indoor fun, outdoor fun, and on-the-go fun. Indoor activities include making jam (an activity I plan to do with my grandkids this summer), woodworking, and playing board games. Outdoor activities include washing your car, bird watching, and playing pirate games. On-the-go activities include trips to the beach, to a fire station and to volunteer opportunities.
As I write this, most of the country is on lockdown because of COVID-19. The on-the-go activities must wait for several months, but the indoor/outdoor activities are designed to have fun at your house. A friend was concerned about how she would keep her three grandchildren entertained (and herself sane) while their parents worked. I gave her a copy of this book, and she considers it a lifesaver. I rate 100 Plus Things to Do with Your Grandchildren 5/5 stars!

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