Help your grandchildren learn about their ancestors and living relatives through family stories.
Discovering one’s ancestors is a wonderful hobby children can enjoy throughout their lifetime. In binder form, this journal has room to grow as children discover more about their ancestors and living relatives. This interactive journal is suitable for children ages 5-12 and will help them discover how they fit in the larger extended family. The journal does not require an online genealogy subscription to use.

The journal makes a great gift grandparents can give their grandchildren. Make memories in person or online discovering and sharing stories. Aunts, uncles and cousins can share stories, too!
Pages for step relatives and non-traditional families.
The journal includes more than 20 questions to jumpstart story ideas and lists resources.
Your purchase of this journal, which includes a fan pedigree chart for five generations, gives you the right to distribute copies to as many as 20 family members — enough for most grandparents to give copies to their children and grandchildren.