Members of the Adventures with Grammy Network

Blogs and Newsletters (Under Construction)

Adventures in NanaLand

Adventures in NanaLand

. . .where we have way more fun as grandparents than we ever had as parents! Come join the fun and discover ways to connect to your grandkids. . .even if they are far away. Learn about Cousins Camp, talking with teen and tween grandchildren and more. Visit the fun at Contact Nana Jill at


Jill was a guest on Episode 29 of the Adventures with Grammy podcast.

Good Grandma

GoodGrandma is a place for grandmas and grandpas to share information and stories, all with the purpose of becoming better grandparents. We are a whole new generation of tech-savvy grandmothers; okay, not as tech savvy as our grandchildren, but more so than the generation that came before us. We can use technology to become better grandparents. We can use it to keep track of our grandchildren and to make sure we are there for those special moments, to help nurture them and share life experiences like never before. We are passionate about grandparenting. We know there is no such thing as a perfect grandparent, but we want to have meaningful fun with our grandchildren and be “goodgrandparents.” Formerly, grandmothers talked over the back fence; now the back fence is the world!


Colleen Rife was a guest on Episode 16 of the Adventures with Grammy podcast.

Good Parenting Brighter Children

Sharlene Habermeyer, a guest on Episode 5 of the Adventures with Grammy podcast, is the mother of 5 boys, grandmother of 11, and author of Good Music Brighter Children. She started the blog, “good parenting brighter children” to share her 40+ years of experience swimming in the delightful (and sometimes shark-infested) waters of parenthood.

It’s been quite the ride, and she wants to share it with you.

Her blog is filled with tidbits of wisdom and inspiring ideas:

·     Arming parents with confidence and tenacity as they go through the minefield journey called “parenting”

·     Teaching your kids to love and cherish the discovery of something new yet, difficult

·     Nurturing your child’s wonder and curiosity

·     Building your child’s confidence and intellect using music, books, family traditions, and good nutrition

·     Creating lifelong learners

Good Music Brighter Children, originally published in 1999 by Prima Publishing, has been translated into five languages. In 2014, Sharlene updated the book. Kirkus Review said: “A magnum opus, fact-filled and inspiring on the benefits of music.” The book examines how music serves as a powerful catalyst for the development of memory, critical thinking and enhanced creativity in both children with or without learning challenges as well as adult professionals. Learn more about the book and this amazing author by visiting Good Parenting Brighter Children. Be sure to read her blog and sign up for her newsletter. The site is filled with activities guaranteed to keep your children and grandchildren happy!


More Than Grand

MoreThanGrand focuses on how important it is to be a grandparent. There’s plenty of fun along the way, but it’s fun with a purpose: how to make the most of your role as a grandparent. How to be more than grand.

If you are looking for ways to create a deep and lasting bond with your grandchild, you are in the right place.

GaGa Sisterhood

The GaGaSisterhood  is a social network for enthusiastic, creative, caring women who indulge in the joy of being grandmothers. Donne Davis, a guest on Episode 31 of the Adventures with Grammy podcast, founded GaGaSisterhood in 2003 after becoming a grandma for the first time. She witnessed the birth of her first grandchild and went completely gaga! After she came back down to earth and talked to other grandmas, she realized she was not the first grandma to feel this way. She had lots of questions about her new role and wanted reassurance from other grandmas that all the new feelings she was experiencing were “normal.”

Join GaGa Sisterhood and participate with other grandmas about the joys and challenges of being a grandma in today’s world.

Interact with other grandmas via its Zoom meetings and learn from guest speakers, stay connected with regular blog posts, social media, and email newsletters.

Being a grandma can be both a joyful and challenging time and GaGa Sisterhood looks forward to being with you on your journey.

Mom at the Museum

Mom at the Museum makes visiting art museums fun for children! Be sure to follow her on Instagram!


She believes that community, art and cultural spaces have a critical role to play in the intellectual and emotional development of people as we navigate the digital revolution. It is time to broaden the definition of literacy to include the concept of visual literacy. We advocate for more inclusive community and cultural spaces that are welcoming of children of all ages and families of all types. Follow our journey as we learn, play and bond in museums and beyond.

She was a guest on Episode 12 of the Adventures with Grammy podcast!